If you are spraying products, such as GreenPop, GreeneCharge, or GreenePunch, that cover 2,000 square feet per quart, you can attach the hose-end sprayer directly and go spray and pray. You do not need to dilute the product; however, if you would like to take your time when spraying it, you can dilute it in an empty bottle to make sure you don't overspray your quart.
If you are spraying other products, such as RGS or GreeneKick, that require a much lower rate, you will want to measure out the appropriate applicable amount into a separate container, pour it into an empty hose-end quart bottle, and fill the rest of the way with water. That will give you about 3 minutes to cover a 2,000-square-foot area.
Here is a video from Allyn with more details:
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5EsxmqVQN0&t=2s
For accuracy, we do not recommend applying product to more than 2,000 sq ft at a time. This may mean that you need to fill up your quart more than once to cover your lawn. But even with a 10,000 sq ft lawn, if each 2,000 sq ft section only takes 3 minutes your total time spraying is only 15 minutes.
Here are the coverages for our most common N-Ext products:
- Humic12- 1 quart (32 oz) = covers up to 5,325 sq ft
- RGS - 1 quart (32 oz) = covers up to 10,650 sq ft
- MicroGreene - 1 quart (32 oz) = covers up to 5,325 sq ft
- Air-8 - 1 quart (32 oz) = covers up to 5,325 sq ft
- FloraGreene - 1 quart (32 oz) = covers up to 3550 sq ft
The Yard Mastery hose-end sprayers have a 30:1 dilution.
Keywords - dilute, Greene County, N-Ext, Next, YM hose-end sprayer, how to apply, bio-stimulant, quart bottles, hose end
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