If you do not wish to receive emails from The Lawn Care Nut marketing team, you can unsubscribe anytime using one of the two following options:
Option 1-
- Open one of the emails we sent you from enjoythemow@thelawncarenut.com
- Look to the right of Allyn's email address and click on the "unsubscribe" link, just as you see here:
- A window will pop open and ask you if you would like to unsubscribe, such as this one:
- Click the blue "Unsubscribe" button and you will be taken off the list.
Option 2-
- Scroll to the bottom of that email and find the "Unsubscribe" link, such as in the example below:
- After clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link, you will be taken to a page where you can type your email address in to be unsubscribed. Here is an example:
- After you type in your email address and click the green "Unsubscribe" button, you will be taken off the mailing list.
**Please note that it does take approximately one week to be removed from our list once you choose to unsubscribe.
If for some reason you continue to get emails after waiting over one week, please send an unsubscribe request along with the following information by opening a ticket.
See the instructions below:
- Click on the HELP > SUBMIT A TICKET button
- Fill in the required fields (Your Email Address, Related Issue, and Subject)
- Include the following information in the description:
- Name
- Order Number (if applicable)
- Additional details to help us address your concerns
Keywords: unsubscribe, delete, delete my account, remove my email, remove my account, account, stop
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