Some of our most popular topics
- Is it TOO HOT to Fertilize the Lawn?
- Are your lawn products safe for pets and people?
- Can heavy rain wash away Prodiamine pre-emergent?
- Can I apply Prodiamine WDG with a hose-end sprayer?
- Can I apply your products through my irrigation system?
- Can I order products to be shipped outside of the US? (Ex. Canada, Australia)
- Can I place a bulk order for your products?
- Can I put down Prodiamine and a granular fertilizer, such as Flagship, together?
- Can I split my payment between multiple forms of payment?
- Can Prodiamine WDG be mixed with Greene County (N-Ext) products?
- Can you help me get access to The Lawn Care Nut FaceBook group?
- Do you have any tips for unclogging the Ortho Dial N Sprayer?
- Do you offer free shipping?
- Do you still offer Carbon Earth products?
- Does my user name/password work for both The Lawn Care Nut website and the Yard Mastery app?
- How can I delete/unsubscribe my account from The Lawn Care Nut email list?
- How can I email a question to customer service?
- How can I track my package?
- How do I change or update my email address or password for my account?
- How do I measure Celsius WG?
- How do I spray using a quart with a hose-end sprayer?
- How does Prodiamine pre-emergent work?
- How does the cost of DIY Lawn Care compare to a service?
- How long after I apply products to my lawn can I do a soil test?
- How often should I mow my grass?
- I have a question for Allyn, how can I get help?
- I think my card was compromised after I made a purchase on your site, can you help?
- Is Tenacity (Mesotrione) Pre-Emergent recommended?
- My FedEx tracking link is not working, how do I see my tracking information?
- What does "split applications" for Prodiamine pre-emergent mean?